Merfolk of the Pearl Trident

Revised Edition / Common  Revised Edition
Language: EnglishCondition: Near Mint
Merfolk of the Pearl Trident
Mana cost:
CMC  :
Creature — Merfolk
Flavor text:
Most human scholars believe that Merfolk are the survivors of sunken Atlantis, humans adapted to the water. Merfolk, however, believe that humans sprang forth from Merfolk who adapted themselves in order to explore their last frontier.
Jeff A. Menges
The card is available to order.


Limited Edition Alpha / Common  Merfolk of the Pearl Trident    Limited Edition Alpha - Common
P/T: 1/1
Creature — Merfolk
Limited Edition Beta / Common  Merfolk of the Pearl Trident    Limited Edition Beta - Common
P/T: 1/1
Creature — Merfolk
Unlimited Edition / Common  Merfolk of the Pearl Trident    Unlimited Edition - Common
P/T: 1/1
Creature — Merfolk
Revised Edition / Common  Merfolk of the Pearl Trident    Revised Edition - Common
P/T: 1/1
Creature — Merfolk
  • €0.98
  • 1
Fourth Edition / Common  Merfolk of the Pearl Trident    Fourth Edition - Common
P/T: 1/1
Creature — Merfolk
  • €0.35
  • 4
Rivals Quick Start Set / Special  Merfolk of the Pearl Trident    Rivals Quick Start Set - Special
P/T: 1/1
Creature — Merfolk
Introductory Two-Player Set / Special  Merfolk of the Pearl Trident    Introductory Two-Player Set - Special
P/T: 1/1
Creature — Merfolk
Fifth Edition / Common  Merfolk of the Pearl Trident    Fifth Edition - Common
P/T: 1/1
Creature — Merfolk
  • €0.24
  • 2
Portal / Common  Merfolk of the Pearl Trident    Portal - Common
P/T: 1/1
Creature — Merfolk
Classic Sixth Edition / Common  Merfolk of the Pearl Trident    Classic Sixth Edition - Common
P/T: 1/1
Creature — Merfolk
  • €0.24
  • 2
Starter 1999 / Common  Merfolk of the Pearl Trident    Starter 1999 - Common
P/T: 1/1
Creature — Merfolk
Starter 2000 / Common  Merfolk of the Pearl Trident    Starter 2000 - Common
P/T: 1/1
Creature — Merfolk
  • €0.00
  • 0
Seventh Edition / Common  Merfolk of the Pearl Trident    Seventh Edition - Common
P/T: 1/1
Creature — Merfolk
  • €0.15
  • 3
  • €0.00
  • 0
Magic 2013 / Common  Merfolk of the Pearl Trident    Magic 2013 - Common
P/T: 1/1
Creature — Merfolk
  • €0.05
  • 6
  • €0.00
  • 0
Merfolk of the Pearl Trident    Collector's Edition - Common
P/T: 1/1
Creature — Merfolk
  • €0.00
  • 0
Merfolk of the Pearl Trident    International Collector's Edition - Common
P/T: 1/1
Creature — Merfolk
  • €0.00
  • 0